1 Name, Message, Year - Items tagged as "Christmas gift"

View all # 1 FAN #1 Babysitter #1 Dad 16 yrs old 18 WHEELER 1st grandbaby 1st job fast food 2ND CHRISTMAS 4 wheeler A+ acting administration administrative adrenalin adult friend adult friends adventurous african american AFRICAN AMERICAN FOOTBALL PLAYER AFRICAN AMERICAN PRINCESS AFRICAN AMERICAN SOFTBALL PLAYER air force airplane Airforce AIRFORCE AIRPLANE airline attendant airplane airplane pilot all terrain vehicle Ambulance america american American flag american girl doll americana android angel ANGELS archery ARCHITECTURE Army army tank AROUND THE WORLD ART ARTIST assistant ASTRONOMY atv aunt author autism AUTISTIC BABY BOY baby boy angel BABY GIRL baby girl angel BABY IN RED MITTEN babysit babysitting BACK BEAR IN A WREATH BACKPACK baking Balance Beam bald eagle BALERINA BALLERINA BALLERINA SHOES WITH A HEART AND GLITTER CROWN BALLET band band instrument band ornament banker barbells BASEBALL BASEBALL GLOVE BASEBALL GLOVE BAT BASEBALL GLOVE AND BALL BASKETBALL BASKETBALL PLAYER BAT BATON BATON TWIRLER BATON TWIRLING bbf BBQ bbq grill BEACH beach bag beach therapy beach vacation BEAR BEARS beautician bff BICYCLE big Brother BIG SISTER bingo bingo card for grandma BIRD birthday cake black BLACK BEAR black belt black cheer black door black horse black mailbox BLACK TAP SHOES BLONDE blonde Angel BLONDE CHEERLEADER blonde chef blonde little girl with a doll blonde walker blow dryer blue blue backpack blue cheer blue glitter blue jeep blue scrubs BOATING body builder body building book club book lover bow hunter bow hunting bow in arrow bow n arrow BOWL BOWLER BOWLING BOWLING LEAGUE BOXER boxing BOXING GLOVES BOY boy angel BOY PLAYING ON TABLET BOY RIDING HIS BIKE BOY SCOUTS BOY SWINGING BOY TODDLER BOY WEARING EYE GLASSES boy wearing glasses boy with ipad boy with tablet BOYS BOYS CLUB HOUSE breast cancer breast cancer survivor briefcase BROTHER BROWN BEAR READING A BOOK brown horse BRUNETTE brunette angel BRUNETTE CHEERLEADER brunette couple BULLDOZER bulldozier bunjee jumper business bww CABIN camera ornament camper campers CAMPING car mechanic car racing CARDINAL cardinal bird CAT CAT PHOTO FRAME CAT PICTURE FRAME cell phones cello instrument cello ornament chalkboard cheer cheerleader cheerleading chef chef hat CHICAGO CUBS CHICAGO CUBS BASEBALL child care provider child in front of fireplace CHILD WAITING FOR SANTA childcare chinese food chinesse food choir CHOO CHOO TRAIN chorus CHRISTENING Christmas Gift christmas Ornament chrstmas gift church building CHURCH CAMP cinderella cinderella's glass slipper clarinet cna CNA ORNAMENT coach coffee college COLLEGE FOOD college graduation college life color guard COMBINE competitive swimming computer computer tech CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR cook cooking corn hole came couple watching sunset COUPLES couples tropical vacation COVID covid-19 cowboy CRAB CROSS CROSS TRIMMED IN GLITTER CROSS TRIMMED IN PINK GLITTTER crossfit CRUISE CRUISE SHIP CRUSIE BOAT CUB SCOUT Cub scouts customized ornaments cyclist dad DAD IN RED GLITTER dad ornament dad the fisherman dad's truck daddy DANCE DAUGHTER DAUGHTER IN LAW DAUGHTER IN RED GLITTER DAUGHTER N LAW DAUGHTER N LAW WITH PINK GLITTER DAYCARE deer hunting democrat democrat donkey democrat ornament dental Dental Hygienist Dentist dino dinosaur dinosaurs dirt bike doctor Dog dog bone dog bone for him Dog gone cute dog house dog ornament dog photo frame dog picture frame doggy DOLPHIN donkey dorm dorm room down on one knee Dr. drama drama club DRAWING DRESS UP BEAR dressed in pearls drinks drum drum ornament drums duck hunter dump truck dump truck with eyes e-reader eagle electric mixer electronics elephant emergency EMT engaged engagement engagement ring equestrian ethnic ETHNIC BATON TWIRLER ETHNIC FOOTBALL PLAYER ETHNIC SOFT BALL PLAYER excavating exciting exercise expecting couple expecting couples EYE GLASSES facebook FARM farmall farmer FARMIMG fast food female FEMALE BLONDE BATON TWIRLER FEMALE BOXER female brunette FEMALE BRUNETTE BATON TWIRLER female brunette jogger female bungee jumper female cheerleader female chef FEMALE CHRISTENING female crossfit female cyclist FEMALE DANCER female dental hygienist female drinking a martini female driver female equestrian female fire figh female flight attendant female floating on inner tube FEMALE HAIR DRESSER female hair stylist female hunter female in blue scrubs female lifeguard female on green bike female physical therapist female singer female snow skier female swimmer FEMALE TAP DANCER female volleyball player female walker female wearing glasses female yoga female zipliner fire Fire Fighter fire truck fireman first home first job first job fast food fish fisherman fishing fishing boat fishing coach fitness flag girl flight attendant floating Floating Angel FLUTE flying super hero football free personalization Fremale paramedic FRENCH HORN french horn ornament friend friends friends shopping front door furry friend gambling gamer games gaming GARBAGE TRUCK genealogy gift girl girl friends girl teen GIRL TODDLER girl tween girl with horse girl with tablet girls glass of wine glasses glitter round ball ornament GLOBE GLOVE AND BAT god child god father god mother golf Golf bag golf ball on the green golf cart golfer golfing Golphing grade school graduation graduation cap graduation cap and gown graduation ornament granddaughter grandma grandma dressed up grandma's 1st christmas grandma's 1st granddaughter grandma's 1st grandson grandpa grandpa and his truck grandpa likes to fish grandpa likes to hunt grandpa's 1st christmas grandson GRAY CAT gray jeep great grandpa green GREEN AND BLUE BACKPACK green cheer green glitter mom green laptop green mixer green scrubs GREEN TRACTOR green wreath grey jeep GRILL GRILLING griswold christmas gymnast GYMNASTICS HAIR DRESSER hair stylist HAIR STYLIST MIRROR AND SUPPLIES hairdresser HAIRSTYLIST hamburger hammer handy man HANDYMAN HANGING MONKEY HAPPY CAMPER HARLEY HAWAII HEADED TO THE BEACH healthy heart shaped autism ornament heathy hicking high school high school graduation HIGHSCHOOL hiker hiking hockey hockey ornament home sweet home honey do list honeymoon honeymoon ornament horse horse in horseshoe horse in stall horses horseshoe horsey hot dog hot wings humvee hunter hunter with gun hunting hygienist i pad ice skates in loving memory of in memory of in memory of our animal in memory of our pet in our hearts forever infant death instrument intermediate school ipad iphone IRELAND jeep jeep ornament jogger JOGGIN jogging john deere JOHN DEERE TRACTOR Jr high karaoke karate karate bear kettle bell kettle bells kettlebells key board keyboard ornament KID kid sports kids kids sports KING OF THE GRILL kitten kitty lab tech lady bug LAKE LAKE LIFE lap top laptop latte law enforcement law enforcment lawyer leather briefcase lighthouse lighthouse ornament little boy little boy school LITTLE BOY SWINGING little boys little giel LITTLE GIRL little girl school LITTLE GIRL SWINGING locker locomotive log cabin long jump lpn LPN ORNAMENT mail box mail carrier mailbox mailman mailwoman makeup MAKEUP ARTIST MALE #1 FAN MALE ARTIST male bodybuilder male bow hunter MALE CHEERLEADER Male Coach male competitive swimmer male cyclist male dental hygienist male doctor MALE HIKER MALE KIDS male new driver MALE NURSE male on blue bike Male Paranedic male physical therapist male singer male swimmer Male Weight Lifing male zipliner mall man's best friend management position manager manicurist marching band marine marines martial arts martini mechanic Medic medical MEDICAL ASSISTANT medical field Medical tech megaphone memorial memorial cross memorial heart MEOW MERMAID merry christmas mexico microphone middle school military MILITARY PHOTO FRAME minister mirror MITT AND BALL mixer mom mom ornament MONKEY monkey ornament MONSTER TRUCK MONSTERS moose motorcycle motorized hobbies mouse ornament movers moving truck MR FIX IT music music note ornament music ornament music stand music teacher nail polish nana nana ornaments nana with red glitter navy navy aircraft carrier nephew new apartment new driver new drivers license new home new home ornament new york niece no boys allowed noahs ark nur nurse nursing NURSING ornament OCEAN office desk office manager ORCA orca whale Ornament our 1st Grandbaby our first home our home our new home paddle board PADDLE BOARDING pageant pageant ornament PAINT PAINT EASEL painter PAINTING PALM TREE PANDA BEAR papa papa ornaments paramedic parasailing pariotic parotic pastor patriotic patroic penguin penguin ornament personalized ornament pet memorial pets pets passing away pharmacist pharmacist ornament phones photo frame photo frame ornament photographer photography physical therapist physical therapy pick up truck PICKUP TRUCK WIH EYES PICTURE FRAME picture frame ornament pilates pilot pilot wings ping pong PINK BALLET BAG pink bear PINK BLOW DRYER PINK CURLING IRON PINK DANCE BAG pink dog bone pink playhouse pink ribbon pirate PIRATE SHIP pizza plane play dress up PLAYING DRESS UP PLUMBER poinsettia police police car POLICE CAR WITH EYES police hat police man police officer police ornament police woman politics pom poms pool pool table post office postal prehistoric priest PRINCE princess Princess Angel with Crown Ornament princess carriage PRINCESS CARRIGE PRINCESS CASTLE princess ornament proud new grandparents puppy purple purple cheer PUZZLE RACE CAR racing rack em up RAINBOW READING reading books real estate agent realtor realtor gift red RED 4 WHEELER red and green photo frame red boxing gloves red cape RED CAR RED CARDINAL red cheer RED DUMP TRUCK red fox ornament red front door red glitter grandfather red glitter grandmother red glitter grandpa red glitter mom red glitter papa red house with snowman red jeep red mailbox RED NOSE RED PICKUP TRUCK red santa hat RED SCRUBS red tractor RED TRUCK RED TRUCK WITH EYES REINDEER religious republican republican elephant republican ornament retail therapy retired RETIREMENT riding RN RN ORNAMENT ROAD CONSTRUCTION ROAD TRIP ROCKET rocket ship ROME RUDOLPH running rv RX SAIL BOAT SALES san francisco san fransisco SAND SAND CASTLE SANTA SANTA CLAUS santa face SANTA ON A MOTORCYCLE santa ornament school school bus school bus driver school teacher science teacher SCOUTS scrubs scuba diving secretary selfie stick SEMI SEMI TRUCK service SHARK she said yes shopping sing singer singing single drum sister skateboard skateboarding slice of pizza slots smart phone snare drum SNORKLING snow boarding snow mobile snow ski snow skier snow skiier snow skiing snowboarding snowlady snowman snowman ornament soccer soccer ball soccer coach soccer ornament social media softball softball coach softball ornament softball player son in law SPA DAY SPEED spiritual sport sports SPORTS FAN St. Louis Cardinals star bucks starbucks STOCKING WITH COAL STRIKE SUBA DIVE SUITCASE sun set Sunday School Teacher sunset super hero SUPER MAN sweet 16 sweet 16th birthday swim swimmer swimming SWING SET SWINGING T-BALL t-rex tablet TAP DANCE TAP DANCER TAP DANCING tea pot teacher teacher's aid teacher's aide teen teen boys TEEN DANCER teen girl teen high school TEEN HIP HOP DANCER teen school teenager TEENS telescope TENT texting theater Tire Tire and Tool tire and wrench TODDLER TONKA TRUCK tools track track and field track coach trails TRAIN train ornament transportation travel travel agent TRAVEL AROUND THE GLOBE TRAVEL SUITCASE trombone trombone ornament tropical TROPICAL VACATION trumpet trumpet ornament TU TU TUBA tuba ornament TUBING tumbler TUMBLING tween boys tween girl uncle unicorn unicorn ornament united states USPS VACATION vegas vet veterinarian ornament video controller video gamer video games video gaming VINTAGE CAMPER violin violin ornament volleyball volleyball ornament waitress waitress ornament WAKAKKI walker walking water WATER ACTIVITIES weight weight Bench weight lifting weights WHALE white door white front door white house white jeep white owl wine wine tasting ornament winery ornament winter winter activities winter sports woman woof work out working out WORLD TRAVELER WORLD TRAVLER WORLDS GREATEST HAIR STYLIST wrestling x ray tech YELLOW DUMP TRUCK YOGA zip line zip lining zip linning ZIPLINE ziplinning
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  • Blonde Angel with Gold Glitter wings~Personalized Ornament Blonde Angel with Gold Glitter wings~Personalized Ornament $ 14.99
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